Bounceback Food

Meet the Manchester socent helping
foodbank users to Bounceback

A Manchester-based social enterprise has set its sights on tackling food poverty using a 'one for one' business model. We’ve spoken to founder Duncan Swainsbury to find out more about the service.

One for you, one for society

Bounceback Food sells a range of healthy, organic, staple food on a 'one for you, one for society' basis. So what does that mean? It’s simple: each time you buy a product from Bounceback, the same item is donated to your local foodbank. Bounceback currently offers its wares from marketplaces around the region, and is set to launch an organic food delivery service via their online shop in the coming weeks.


Bounceback Food only sells organic products of the highest quality, and the like for like nature means that the same items bought are the same items donated to foodbanks and community projects. Duncan and the team believe that you should only donate healthy in-date food that you'd be willing to eat yourself. Here’s a list of the products currently on offer:

– Organic Wholewheat Pasta 500g (Fusilli, Penne, Spaghetti)

– Organic White Pasta 500g (Fusilli, Penne, Spaghetti)

– Organic Long Grain Rice 500g

– Organic Tinned Food 400g (Chopped Tomatoes, Peeled Tomatoes, Baked Beans, Chick Peas, Kidney Beans)

13 million people in the UK live below the poverty line

Bounceback Food works alongside charities FareShare and the Trussell Trust to ensure that donated products reach where they are needed the most. Did you know that a staggering 5.8 million people in the UK live in 'deep poverty'? Despite this, a shocking 3.9 million tonnes of food is wasted each year by the food and drink industry – and 10% of this figure is fit for consumption. There is a massive imbalance of food poverty and wastage in the UK, and something needs to change.

This imbalance is something that Duncan is all too aware of. He said: "It’s crazy that in our country so much food is thrown away and yet so many people can’t afford to eat. I’ve volunteered a couple of times at FareShare Greater Manchester and you quickly realise what type of food is in high demand. That’s why we only sell and donate staple food items on the ‘one for you, one for society’ basis…it’s a really simple way to help those in need to Bounceback."

Help someone to Bounceback

By purchasing a product from Bounceback and creating a donation, you are giving those who can't afford to eat a vital lifeline. Foodbank users may be ill, unemployed, homeless, in debt or on a low income. Anyone could find themselves in circumstances in which they need the support of a foodbank, especially in the current climate of the UK. Bounceback rightly believes that nobody in Britain should be going hungry in the 21st century. Your donations can directly help foodbank users, giving them a platform from which to begin to turn their lives around and make the step to becoming self-sufficient.

The future's bright

Since its establishment in December 2014, Bounceback has grown rapidly. In June 2015 the 1000th donation was made, and the team are hoping that they’ll have helped contribute towards 5,000 meals around September. Bounceback currently operates around the Manchester region, but has also sent donated food to London, Brighton & Yorkshire thanks to online orders. Their online shop will provide an organic food delivery service that will enable them to support food banks across the UK.

Organic food delivery: Eat well and donate

You can get involved with the brilliant Bounceback venture by purchasing any food item. A makeshift online ordering service is currently in place ahead of the launch of the online store. Look out for their exclusive range of Christmas hampers later in the year too. Clickhere to place your order.

The above article by Kirtsty Allen first published on