America fever!

norsemen over there around 1905

About 1905 my grandfather Anton voyaged from the small island of Harøy, on the west coast of Norway, to America - in order to make some money. 
He was accompanied by his brother Olaf and several others from the island.  Probable voyage:  
Harøya - Bergen - Liverpool - Boston.
They left a barren and weathered soil.. 
..cultivated by toil and hardship
..and exhausting fisheries
They had made up their minds: 
"Let´s go to America, boys.. friends and relatives 
on the other side of the ocean
The town of  Potlatch in Idaho was established in connection with 
the great white pine activity 
early in the 1900´s
Even a new railway line was 
built for transporting the timber
The young norwegians 
worked there 
as lumber jacks
"One of our logging camps" 
Tough body work and living conditions in settlers manner.
"The lumber jack at home.." 
Pioneer homes in the woods lost ground..
The Potlatch Lumber Company 
took over..

..and erected one of the largest white pine mills 
in the world

The Washington, Idaho & Montana  Railway Company, estb. 1905.
The young norwegians had 
done well in the new world
As they arrived back home after some years a great reception was arranged 
in the community center
..with local choirs
..a big celebration

...this is how my grandfather´s American adventure ended. After seven years as lumber jack, carpenter and fisherman in the new world, he returned to Norway, married and re-settled - he never visited America again.

...But the brother, Olaf Myers, settled in Portland - Oregon, married, established his own craftsman firm and lived in America the rest of his life.