Ascension And Beyond

A guide to the Pleiadian phenomena 


Thrown to her knees and begging for relief from the pain. Her skull felt like it had been cracked open and a tide of voices flooded through her mind. This is the anonymous account of entering a world that very few are able to experience and even fewer wish to discuss. This is the untold story of those in contact with Pleiadian entities.

Pleiadians are our extraterrestrial guardian aliens and according to those who are 'in contact' - they're watching us. They have done for thousands of years and they will continue to wait patiently to mark their return. The only reason we know of their existence is thanks to those who are able to channel them.

I didn't think it would be right to create a documented account of these claims unless I, myself, tried to communicate with Pleiadians. I visited Ann (a spiritual medium and Pleiadian channel) on a few occasions, curious to know more about this almighty civilisation which created us.

On one occasion, I was offered a session of alternative therapy - a healing process which would cleanse my aura and allow clearer passage in my attempt to contact Pleiadians (which I'm told is achieved via tuning in to sonic frequencies). As I lay down on what felt like a surgical futon, I wasn't sure if this was safe. I wasn't sure what exactly was going to happen but I was excited. In my head, I was wishing for magic to unfold. Ann instructed me: "Lie down and clear your mind. Forget about your responsibilities & commitments. 

"Right now, let me do the work and you, listen." 

I eagerly awaited results, peaking from the corner of my eye to witness Ann, deeply entrenched bout of spiritual Thai Chi at the other side of the room whilst I was engulfed with the sounds of nature.

The prophet behind the term, 'Pleiadian' - doesn't exactly fit religious stereotype. Think less messiah, more medium. Spiritual psychic, Barbara Marciniak, popularised the term 'Pleiadian' (based on the Pleiades star cluster, after claiming to be in contact and able to communicate with, the alien entities. Since the publication of her books and the growing excitement around her work, many of her followers truly believe that they too can, and often, communicate with the Pleiadian world.

It was a few hundred thousand years ago and on their home planet, these ET's were living in pure harmony. It's the stuff you picture when you think of Greek Gods feasting in the skies, the imagery that advertisers used in 2007 to sell us tubs of 'really good bacteria' or even what you saw in The Hobbit when our dwarvish friends visited the Elves of Rivendale and sat down to a lovingly healthy meal. Followers of this group also claim that Pleiadians lightyears ahead with regards to technology - 'coz why not.

But don't picture your typical 'grey' alien. These guys stand tall and strong, similar to the build of Nordic legends; doused with long blonde hair and shimmeringly blue eyes. There's peace in their minds and not a single scratch to their clothing. These could have inhabited a planet closer than you think, too. Many mediums believe that their planet could have been our beloved big rock that is Earth.

Yet as with all great planet migrations - the story isn't all healthy colons and giggling splashes of wine from gold tipped goblets. According to legend, for our Pleiadian friends and their home planet, a war (to what I can only picture as something Transformer-esque) had to break out and ultimately they went into hiding. Since Marciniak gained popularity as an author, documenting and educating people about her encounters with the Pleiadians and what they have taught her - many people have sought to contact the terrestrial beings and follow in her footsteps. Many hoping to connect to the 'ancient ones' and some even believe that they themselves are a fellow Pleiadian trapped in a human body waiting for their ascension (the process of becoming or returning to Pleiadian state) to return home.

I was unable to receive a reply from Barbara Marciniak, but from the video below, you can see just how Marciniak claims the Pleiadians take over her physical abilities and communicate with us:

Willow Mattice, a self-proclaimed Pleiadian who claims to be a "mix of Pleiadian Sirius hybrid made from planet Vega", apparently witnessed and endured the pain of losing their home planet and told me: "being a pure Empath is not easy I find it very depressing. At one point & time I watched my home planet get destroyed so many children were lost, the pain was awful nothing was left just sadness. 

"At the time Ashtar & King Plachacha advised us not to come back till the year 1865AD in the town of Tokyo, Japan, where we should all start over again only this time the fight to save all of man kind wold be our last chance. 

"Believe me when I say this: we have seen all of your pain on Earth for quite sometime & it breaks our hearts to see you all suffer, we love you and care for you very deeply that is why I made the journey to come back to Earth after the year 1984. We are all from the future and we are here to help you all."

"We are all from the future and we are here to help you all." - Chris Passey

The ascension process can include crystalline changes within blood, (yes - it does sound a lot like gout), as well as complete mental and physical processes that can last for years. 

Chris Passey, who claims to have been undergoing an incredibly painful ascension for the past two years, told me: "I have been undergoing a great many many physical changes and brain programming the majority of everything is very painful and it has been going on for almost two years straight but my body has transformed physically, my DNA has been changed to crystalline, I have felt the energies from the central sun change it and I have had too many things to count physically that have changed."

After my experience of alternative therapy with Ann, I was intrigued and had to find out more. I longed for total ascension and to have a conversation with or even just to hear the voice of our ancient co-inhabitants and creators. 

Alas, it wasn't to be. After hours of meditation, and repeatedly telling myself 'I love you’ in the mirror (as Marciniak advises you to do so in order to get on the same frequency as our alien counterparts) - I just couldn’t crack the mould.

"I felt literally that my skull was cracked and exposed, and in rushed voices - lots of voices."

According to an American HR executive, who wished to remain anonymous, she had a particularly haunting and intimate experience to becoming in tune with Pleiadian entities. My source told me: "I learned I had Rh - blood. That blood type is considered by many to be alien blood. It doesn't have the genetic or DNA components that other blood types have and a woman who's this blood will spontaneously abort the foetus as an imposter.

"I was in such pain, and I mean literally on my knees in the kitchen begging for relief that I decided to crack open ACIM." (ACIM being the book, A Course in Miracles, which they told me had sat untouched on a shelf for over 20 years.)

"About the time I was on the next to last chapter, and after following all sorts of “nudges" with regard to holistic healing and herbs and so on, I broke open. That's the only way I can describe what happened to me that day.

"I felt literally that my skull was cracked and exposed, and in rushed voices - lots of voices.

"My kundalini came in and many of them, were talking to me, screwing me, in a very delightful way.

"Over time, I got a handle on the voices, the telepathic conversation in my head, the left arm squeezes which also morphed into the infinity sign, the figure eight. My head or my hips would automatically make this shape, the figure eight, when they were communicating with me. This was cool, right? Or I'm fucking insane. Which is it? I still ask this question to this day."

So, this is what we know - but how do we know so little about it? Well, speaking from personal experience, it's a difficult world to connect with. Those who can, may refuse to let the world know, and those who tell us - shot down or ignored. Despite the odds, these people truly believe in their ability to tune in to the fine frequencies of Pleiadians all around us, calling us to ascend and to allow them to take our place as humans on this planet.