No Hukou means no human right?

This red-brown cover with few pages
but important

"I want to jump out of the whirlpool of Hukou, I don't want to struggle inside,"said Liu Tuo, a girl who has just returned from a rural place. She got her Master’s degree of Renmin University. She is working in Beijing now.But she doesn’t have a Beijing Hukou. She did’t get a Beijing Hukou just because she didn’t immediately work in Beijing when she was fresh graduate. She is pretty young when she graduate. She insisted on doing what she want. She decided to teach in rural places rather than get a Beijing Hukou.

Why cannot she get a Beijing Hukou after a two-year rural teaching? She is still young. She still with her good educational background. 

According to the strict policy of getting a Beijing Hukou, the easy way for young people to get a Beijing Hukou is to get a job which supplies a Beijing Hukou immediately when graduate.Once you miss the time,you can not easily get it.

Who can get a Beijing Hukou?

what is

 Beijing Hukou used for?

 Car  Purchase

House Purchase

Children enroll in school

Apply for Reimbursement of Medical Insurance

In China, hukou is a small book of Registered Permanent Residence,published by public security organs. Different places of China has different policies of Hukou. If you migrant to a place, your life must be difficult unless you have got a Hukou of that place. 

Beijing, as a big modern city,which contains many people from different places, is extremely hard to get a Hukou.

"I can't buy house or car in Beijing just because I don’t have a Beijing Hukou,"said Chen Tianyi, who graduated from an American university.

He works in Beijing now.He is young, he wants to have a car, only a car, but he can not.