A land of frost and fire

My journey round Iceland 2015

Iceland is amazing for so many things:

Its isolation

Its long gravelly roads leading you who knows where

Its fantastic landscapes where the planet we live on really makes itself felt

Its people who love sagas and tell them every day even in the notices at the airport

Most of all for the way it takes you out of yourself into a different dimension that ranges from the power of waterfalls to bubbling mud pots and to sweeping hillsides and black beaches lit with a special Icelandic lighting, so here is an introduction, with a few highlights from my tour.


The population here only numbers about 330,000 (not counting the visitors, of course) and most of them live here in Rekjavik.

This is a colourful city with a vibrance of its own but now lets move on and explore...

When you leave the city you will soon be the only person on the road, but you may not be alone...

You are quite likely to meet sheep on the road, lying in wait to leap out and trot in front of you, just when you least expect it.

I loved the waterfalls, lakes, fjords and sagas, but what I really liked, of course, was the relaxation, after wandering around this amazing landscape, in the geothermically heated natural spas...

This is the famous Blue Lagoon, where I spent a happy afternoon before finally having to come home.

 Before I leave you, though, here is one iconic image of Iceland, and as for the rest, I hope I've whetted your appetite, so that you can go there and experience it for yourself :-)

Nature gushing forth at Stokkur, near to the original Geysir, which is not so active nowadays.