Movement through life

Disruptive events in an interconnected world

Using the practice of astrology, >3 collaborates with Argentinian Astrologer Corina Mascotti in an installation and workshops for the Anywhere Festival, examining the impact and significance of disruptive events in an interconnected world.

Faced with disruptive events that are complex, interrelated and universal, society is presented with an opportunity to create new spaces and new debate. Old models are potentially superseded and allow us to conceive new futures and constellations.

Just as astrology reads the position of celestial objects in search of new meaning, >3 invites participants on 19 May 2016 to pause and consider their position in an interconnected world: to consider new constellations and what role they play in addressing the collective disruptive problems we face today.

Disruptive change is not around the corner, it's already here

What are disruptive events?

Disruptive events are usually unexpected events that occur on a daily, weekly or yearly basis. These events disrupt some part of normal life at an individual level but can also disrupt government, organisations or countries. 

Disruptive change is not around the corner, it's already here. Two examples of disruptions include:

Severe weather events

Health or disease outbreaks

Using astrology as a lens to consider the impact of disruption potentially presents a new and different ways of engaging us in current debate

Further, CSRIO Future Trends suggests seven mega trends that will disrupt:

1. More from less – rising demand for limited natural resources and scarcity of these resources.

2. Going, going... gone? – an increasingly narrow window of opportunity in which to help protect biodiversity, habitats and the world's climate.

3. The Silk Highway – rapid urbanization and economic growth across Asia and the developing world.

4. Forever young – an ageing population with changed retirement patterns, greater prevalence of chronic illness and rising expenditure on healthcare.

5. Virtually here – the reshaping of retail and office precincts, city design and function, and labour markets as a result of increasingly powerful digital technology.

6. Great expectations – changing consumer expectations regarding the provision and quality of services, experiences and social interaction. 

7. An imperative to innovate – accelerating technological advancement that’s creating new markets and extinguishing existing ones. 

Why are we using astrology as a lens to look at disruption?

Disruptions are not new.  In the hyper connected world disruptions are key features of our lives. Using astrology as a lens to consider the impact of disruption potentially presents a new and different ways of engaging us in current debate. 


Disruptions are not new. In the hyper connected world disruptions are key features of our lives.

Divination cards predications 

Below is list of stories or examples of actions curated by >3.  This list represents activities or actions by communities or individuals linked to the underlying message within each astrology prediction. Find something near you and join in – or dare to start something new!

In all of the astrology predications the underlying message is that cultivating our personal and community resilience will give communities and all of us the ability to adapt to disruptions. Resilience has increasingly proven to be the best possible answer to the relentless level of disruption that marks our lives today.

Uranus predicts that communication and networks will bring new and powerful uses of one's mind

Example: The Rockfeller Foundation states that disruptive innovations are 'wild cards.' Their influence is unpredictable. They change how we think, behave, do business, learn and go about our day-to-day. Harvard Business School Professor and disruption guru Clayton Christensen says a disruption displaces an existing market, industry, or technology and produces something new, more efficient and worthwhile.What’s confusing is that we already know most technologies that could prove disruptive in the future such as wearables, augmented reality, or the driverless car—yet many organizations will still be surprised when they affect their way of doing things. This view rests on a misunderstanding of the nature of technological change. Technology may advance incrementally on the margins for long periods of time without substantially affecting established actors until a number of factors are coming together. Read more here. 

Saturn predicts there is a strong sense of uncertainty where old themes and models do not work. 

Example: The World Changing Ideas Of 2016: New workplaces, new food sources, new medicine—even an entirely new economic system. Here are 10 new ways we can start transforming the world for the better this year. Read more here.

Pluto predicts there is destruction of old models and we have the energy to release and break into new structures, horizontal and flat.

Example: Thomas Edison championed thinking about the future and because he took mental risks, he has become a pivotal symbol to innovation — always thinking about how to improve processes or create things that made an impact. Read more here.

Jupiter predicts there is a need to expand the system to include the new paradigms proposed. Right now is the right moment for that transformation.

Example: Food is a major source of content for prime time TV entertainment. Viewer ratings suggest people love food, love watching food being prepared and love watching it being discussed by chefs and food critics. The popularity of food is not surprising. What may surprise many is that food security is now considered the top concern for global insurance companies. In a recent report Lloyds of London stated that food insecurity is currently the leading cause for concern for virtually every branch of commerce. It is within this context that the increasing focus on resilience in business, local community, city and society as a whole makes sense to professionals across disciplines. 

One of the key facets of a resilient system, such as a business or a city, is its capacity to adapt to disruptive forces. Similarly, built redundancies are an essential factor for a resilient entity. And this is what the emergence of urban agriculture is about: responding to disruption to our way of life by innovating new ways of food production and consumption. Read more here. 

Mars predicts there is a desire to conquer places with more comprehensive and inclusive ideas.

Example: Pursuing greater collaboration and integration can have a dramatic impact on a city's resilience. Every city’s take on these qualities differs, but it’s clear that when cities work together with their citizens, local businesses, and other stakeholders, promoting collaboration between agencies, results improve and have longer-lasting benefits. When diverse groups organize, share ideas, and communicate, decisions draw from a broader insight base, priorities are better aligned, and outcomes achieve multiple goals instead of one—often producing a cascade of benefits. Read more here.

Resilience has increasingly proven to be the best possible answer to the relentless level of disruption that marks our lives today