Webs of Summer

Spider Fiber-art

The local Goose Creek phenomenon of Pasture Sunrise comes a good hour and a half after the sun has brought daylight to the rest of the county up top. At about 8:45 the sun finally rises above the east ridge. It casts fine shafts of light through the thin fog, falling first against the tallest treetops on the west ridge behind the barn; then as it rises, shafts warm the rust-red barn roof, sending up vapor-wisps of ghostly steam in the cool morning ari. Finally soft light spreads like warm butter across the far edge of the pasture, pouring a golden glow into mid-field. 

...a paradise of overgrowth framed through the viewfinder--a tumble of seed tops, brown stems, a vast colony of silver webs and golden light of late August.

...and that is where the magic happens, blue shadow draped behind sun-lit bowl-and-doily and writing-spider orb-weaver webs festooned from tall, leaning grasses --one or sometimes many-- in every ten-foot square.

Thanks for letting me share this sampling from our "front yard" here on Goose Creek in Floyd County, Virginia. Visit me at fragmentsfromfloyd.com