Foods you shouldn't be consuming..

 "You are what you put in your body.."

     Food plays a huge role in each individual's life, it can either build you into a healthy/productive person or be the cause of your death..

     There's always a confusion about which foods are healthy and which are not. To make things a little easier for you, here's a list of some of the foods that are generally unhealthy:

1. Soft drinks.

Soft drinks are the main source of 'added sugar' which is way worse than the regular sugar. When people consume sugary drinks, the normal human brain does not recognize them as food.  A single can of soda contains nearly around 10 teaspoons of sugar, this amount of sugar can cause very serious diseases including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases.  

Some people even admit that they drink more soda than water during their day! 

Alternatives: consider natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup, coffee & tea, water/naturally flavored water and homemade iced tea.

2. Microwave popcorn

Microwave popcorn is loaded with questionable ingredients, the microwavable bags are coated with nonstick perfluorochemicals sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), chemicals that are most likely to cause cancer and artificial flavors that are actually able to cause lung cancer if inhaled in large quantities. 

Alternatives: make your own popcorn at home! use olive oil or coconut oil.

3. Dairy

While growing up, we've all been told that we need to drink milk because it's good for our bones and teeth. Until this day, people still tend to believe in that.. 

This might seem shocking to you but based on personal experience and research, less dairy leads to stronger bones. Dairy products can cause prostate cancer, acne, high cholesterol levels and weight gain. 

Alternatives: get your needed calcium from food (dark green, leafy vegetables) and don't rely on dairy for healthy bones, you can achieve that by doing different exercises. 

note: you might want to consider taking supplements like collagen pills and vitamin D.

4. Canned fruit

Fruits canned in very heavy, sugary syrup is very bad for your health as it is loaded with added sugar. Some vitamins like Vitamin C are very heat sensitive and can be destroyed in the canning process. In other words, canned fruits have very little nutritional value and they contain a lot of sugar which leads to weight gain, blood sugar problems and an increased risk of heart diseases.

5. Canola oil

Canola oil is not as bad as the other kinds of oil like sunflower oil and soybean oil but it is so far from healthy too. It is highly processed and bleached and it is very low in nutrients and high in omega-6 fats. Also, the manufacturing process removes good nutrients like omega-3.

6. Processed meat

What is processed meat? It is meat that has been preserved by curing, canning, drying, smoking or salting. Examples include: (canned beef, bacon, ham, sausages and hot dogs, salami, dried meat). There is no doubt that processed meat most likely contains a lot of harmful chemicals and toxins that aren't there in fresh meat. Processed meat is also linked to many diseases like heart diseases and cancer. 

7. Fast food salads

Fast food salads can be extremely unhealthy, you would think that a salad is a more nutritious and healthful option than a cheeseburger but this calculation doesn't count when it comes to fast food restaurants. In some fast food restaurant (without mentioning the name of the brand) a grilled chicken salad equals to one burger PLUS ten chicken tenders! 

Make sure you count the calories in your meal and read the ingredients included and don't forget to check the toppers, some 'toppers' can convert a healthy meal into a calorie disaster! 

Always remember, If you cannot read it, don't eat it.