Benefits & Uses 


        Collagen is a structural protein made from amino acids that holds tissues and cells together just like glue. Collagen makes up almost 30% of the proteins in the human body and as you age, the amount of collagen your body produces starts decreasing.  


Type 1 & 3

Type 1 and 3 are usually grouped together because they have similar functions, they are the most common types of collagen as they make up more than 90% of the total percentage of collagen in the human body. These two types of collagen are the key elements in the maintenance of the skin, nails, bones, hair, and muscles. Generally, there are 18 amino acids in collagen, four main amino acids are found within these two types of collagen: Glycine, Proline, Glutamine, and Arginine. 

Type 2

Type 2 collagen is more specialized, probably because it is only produced by chondrocytes which means you will find it in your cartilage. Type 2 collagen usually comes from happy chicken and it makes up 50% of cartilage protein. This type of collagen is beneficial for cartilage health and it is very helpful in supporting your joints, back and jaw. 


1) Your joints will feel less crunchy. As we age, our cartilage starts to weaken up and feel more stiff & achy, taking collagen will reduce joint pain and strengthen your bones.

2) It has been proven that collagen helps build muscles and burn fat due to the amount of amino acids that is available in all types of collagen. It contains a concentrated amount of glycine which is an amino acid that is involved in the synthesis of creatine. This can provide you with the power you need to complete your workout & will help you gain muscles. 

3) Besides keeping your skin and hair super healthy & glowy, collagen will help you get rid of cellulite! It might not get rid of it completely but it surly will reduce the appearance of it.

4) Taking collagen supplements will help reduce the risk of heart-related conditions and will also make your hair & nails grow longer and stronger.


natural sources include broccoli, fish, white tea, red veggies, dark green veggies, berries, foods that are high in protein, sulfur foods, cod, citrus fruits and much much more! You can also consider taking collagen supplements like collagen pills, collagen powder and liquid collagen.