
The Water Wars

Giant eyes gazed at me across the undulating landscape, the face smirking at me, apparently amused by my mere presence in this sandy landscape. I wondered what this empty, archaic and devilish  looking structure was, asking out loud "What are you looking at?"But of course the face was unable to respond. All it could do was stare across the desiccated environment, forlorn of any noticeable life. The only movement was from the wind, the only noticeable factor able to sculpt and change the scenery. 

It never rains here. Nearly all of the worlds ecosystems collapsed long ago under the weight of humanities past demands. But that occurred when the world was highly populated and relentless urbanisation the norm.

Things are different now, as signified by what we cannot see.  The sun, last seen by eyes of  past generations.

We now cope with The Big Dry that is now the global norm as is the never ending fight over our most valuable of of all resources; water.

My communication ring vibrated, interrupting my thoughts and alerting me to the need to perform my daily check-in with the Australasian Central Water Corporation.


The State of Our Nation