Multimodal Texts

and Dystopian Worlds

For example, we can simply show with PRINT that a Dystopian world is typically a futuristic, imagined wporld in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian CONTROL

Dystopias, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, societal norm, or political system.


... we can use a multimodal approach to show our readers our imagined world.

For instance, how do we show that our world is controlled by technology, ruled by propaganda and the population is perhaps under constant surveillance?  All must conform and individuality is treated as suspicious in a world where all nature is banished

On the surface our worLds may appear


However. we find that these worlds are controlled by....




The natural world is banished

The protagonist of the Dystopian story sees things differently.

It is through the protagonist that the reader of your story is able to see and experience the negative aspects of this world. 

Allow your reader to journey into your world. Not just by the use of words but also by the use of other media, such as images, music..... 

Any added media should strive to tell the story in a different mode.  These modes will perhaps hint at a future of digital storytelling, that breaks free of the tyranny of text