Stepping up the level of prosecution: 

Explore how we partnered with Crown Prosecution Service at the #ModernSlaverySummit

What is the international #Modernslaverysummit?

In February 2018, in collaboration with Crown Prosecution Service, Wilton Park held an International Summit for Prosecutors General.


'Stepping up the level of prosecution for people trafficking, modern slavery, organised immigration crime and forced labour across Europe'.


- Step up the level of activity across all our countries to trace, restrain and confiscate the proceeds of crime acquired through the criminal exploitation of others.

- Set the agenda for continuing bilateral and multi-lateral dialogue aimed at removing obstacles to effective international co-operation between countries.

- Identify ways to provide better support and protection to victims and witnesses so that evidence can be secured.

- Establish a strong and active international network of expert prosecutors tackling people trafficking, exploitation and forced labour.

Overview of the #ModernSlaverySummit

Charles Paul Hoffman

Day 1

Day 1 of the #ModernSlaverySummit began with a keynote speech from Alison Saunders, CPS.

Day 2

Day 2 of #ModernSlaverySummit began by welcoming Attorney General, Jeremy Wright. He discussed supporting victims of modern slavery and prosecution rates amongst perpetrators.

In the afternoon, we welcomed Lord Advocate, James Wolffe. Discussion focused on 'working more effectively across jurisdictions' to tackle human trafficking.

In the evening, the UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Kevin Hyland gave his keynote speech.

Day 3

On the final day of #ModernSlaverySummit, Home Office minister Victoria Atkins delivered a message on the challenges of working internationally.

Why is tackling modern slavery important?

by Imagens Evangélicas

For victims and witnesses:

Victims and witnesses are often vulnerable, traumatised or in fear – for themselves or for their families. They may face immigration or other action which means that they may be reluctant to give evidence or may be removed to another country before they can do so, and they may be at risk of being further exploited. It may take time for them to disclose what has happened to them.  

By its nature, this type of conduct is international. Perpetrators may come from another country and may have committed criminal acts in other countries as part of their criminal enterprise. 

For preventing exploitation for profit:

Despite the prevalence of this type of exploitation and the profit motive that drives it, comparatively small amounts of money and assets which are the proceeds of crime are restrained or confiscated. There may be reasons for this, but profits are being made and we need to improve our ability to trace it and confiscate it.

Image: Lonpicman