New image & video feature added to Shorthand Social 

The new section type is designed for adding standalone images and video, with no cropping

Our latest feature is one which we hope will expand on the opportunities to tell visually-compelling stories with Shorthand Social.

The new Media Section enables you to bring in standalone images or video to your story – with no cropping to fit the height of the screen (unlike our Text Over Media section).

Add images

– that will stand alone (no text overlay)
– and show in full across screen sizes (with no cropping to the viewport)

Add video

– that will stand alone (no text overlay)
show in full across screen sizes (with no cropping to the viewport)
be playable (no autoplay, which also means it will be playable across devices)
– with sound on as default


In a Shorthand Social story, click to add a new section as before – and now you'll see three section type options available, Media being the latest addition.

Once added, you can choose to upload an image, or YouTube video to the section.

Below are some different examples of the new section type in use, with different shaped media to demonstrate the functionality.

A more widescreen ratio image:

A YouTube video:

A portrait image:

And a 16:9 landscape image:

See the difference

As a reminder, below are the same media files, added using the existing Text Over Media section, where background media (with the option of text overlay) is cropped to remain full-screen across viewports, and video is autoplayed.

Starting with the same widescreen style image:

Then the YouTube video:

The portrait image:

And the 16:9 landscape image:

What do you think of the new section type? Please let us know your thoughts on this latest feature, and anything else you'd have feedback on.