
The Iceberg that sunk the Titanic

The root of the Syrian crisis is the droughts caused by climate change, this issue will continue to destabilize nations if we do not act now, the Syrian revolution and rebel fighters all consist of farmers forced off their land due to extreme drought. 

This is the biggest national security issue, environmental issue and humanitarian issue we all face as a species right now. We need to act on science and elect officials that will act seriously and swiftly to halt climate change. 

Donald Trump's 100 day plan just spelled disaster for planet earth, he wants to ramp up fossil fuel production, oil exploration and mining whilst rejecting climate change and science, and leaving the UN agreements to reduce emissions. This is a global issue, the 2016 presidential election was America's last chance to elect a leader who will halt climate change. The world doesn't have four more years, this is crunch time. 

The US is the second largest emitter of CO2 and greenhouse gases, so yes, your election results, especially Donald Trump and his proposition, affects the rest of the world direly. He will destabilize the planet, the environment and subsequently, nations. For our future, and that of your children, please do not take this election result lightly.

"Putting Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere promises a global catastrophe.. An organism at war with itself is doomed..." - Carl Sagan

"It is very clear the USFWS biologists made a terrible error, perhaps deliberate, on wolf impacts to our herds of game. Moose hunting was cancelled in Minnesota—wolves a major cause. Elk and moose herds in parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana have been hammered. We need to reduce wolves and rebuild those herds. We can also get into a long debate about the arctic wolf that now resides in the U.S. vs. the wolf species that was here before, but perhaps that's too granular for this." -   Donald Trump Jr


Trump’s main advisers on wildlife appear to be his sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, and they seem to care only about hunting and fishing. Donald Jr. has publicly expressed a wish to run the Department of the Interior, though his only known qualification for the job is his family name. More likely, as he told Outdoor Life during the campaign, he will help vet the nominees for Interior, "and I will be there to make sure the people who run the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and so on know how much sportsmen do for wildlife and conservation and that, for the sake of us all, they value the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation."

You may be stumbling over that Christ-like phrase "for the sake of us all." But you should really be worrying about the “North American Model.” It's a code phrase for managing public lands primarily for hunting and fishing and only secondarily, if at all, for nongame species—or for hiking, bird-watching, camping, or other uses. In practice it can mean eradicating wolves because hunters consider them competition for elk or moose. (Donald Jr.: “We need to reduce wolves and rebuild those herds.”) 

It can mean cutting back funding for songbird habitat and spending it instead on fish stocking. Like his father, Donald Jr. has opposed selling public lands, mostly because it "may cost sportsmen and women access to the lands." But he believes states should help govern federal lands, calling shared governance “especially critical when we pursue our idea of energy independence in America. As has been proven in several of our Western States, energy exploration can be done without adverse affects [sic] on wildlife, fisheries or grazing.”

The bottom line is that a Trump administration is likely to be good for mining, drilling, logging, and the hunting and fishing set. But for wildlife and for Americans at large? We are facing four dangerous years of self-serving gut instinct and reckless indifference to science, with the damage to be measured, as climate activist Bill McKibben put it the other day, "in geologic time." 

If you are feeling as if a Trump victory is the end of the world as we know it, you may just be right.

                                                                                                 - Richard Conniff

                                                               What Trump's Triumph means to Wildlife



When I painted this in 3 days, I DID NOT want it to be relevant for the next 4 years. It was meant to be one of those moments that I remember back to like that was for that week. 

We need to act now. The power is in the people, YOU control the will of politicians, OUR GENERATION WILL NOT STAND BY. 

THE TIME TO FIGHT IS NOW.  If you think we won't fight, your sorely mistaken. It's time for our generation to show our strength. 

The hateful rhetoric, the racism, sexism, rape culture and the disgusting principles upon which Donald Trump ran his campaign cannot and will not be passively accepted. For the sake of humanity, the environment and the planet, this man must be opposed, now!                                                      

                                                                     - Lobo Reincarnated Artist Nayana

" To-Do List: 

1. Must quickly and decisively form an opposition movement, the likes of which hasn't been seen since the 1960s. I will do my part to help lead this as I'm sure many others (Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, MoveOn, the hip-hop community, DFA, etc.) will, too. The core of this opposition force will be fueled by young people who, as with Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter, don't tolerate b.s. and are relentless in their resistance to authority. They have no interest in compromising with racists and misogynists. 

2. Prepare to impeach Trump. Just as the Republicans were already planning to do with President Hillary from Day One, we must organize the apparatus that will bring charges against him when he violates his oath and breaks the law -- and then we must remove him from office. 

3. Must commit right now to a vigorous fight (including civil disobedience, if necessary) which will block any and all Donald Trump Supreme Court nominees who do not meet our approval. We demand the Democrats in the Senate aggressively filibuster any nominees who support Citizens United or who oppose the rights of women, immigrants and the poor. This is non-negotiable. 

4. Demand the DNC apologize to Bernie Sanders for trying to fix the primaries against him, for spinning the press to ignore his historic campaign, for giving Clinton the questions in advance at the Flint debate, for its latent ageism and anti-Semism in trying to turn voters against him because of his age or religious beliefs, and for its anti-democracy system of "superdelegates" who are elected by no one. We all know now had Bernie been given a fair shot, he probably would have been the nominee and he -- as the true outsider and "change" candidate --would have inspired and fired up the base and soundly defeated Donald Trump. If no apology is soon forthcoming from the DNC, that's ok -- when we take over the Democratic Party (see yesterday's To-Do List, #1), we will issue the apology in person. 

5. Demand that President Obama establish a Special Prosecutor to investigate who and what was behind FBI Director James Comey's illegal interference into the Presidential election 11 days before the vote was held. 

6. Begin a national push while it's fresh in everyone's mind for a constitutional amendment to fix our broken electoral system: 

       1. Eliminate the Electoral College -- popular vote only. 

       2. Paper ballots only -- no electronic voting. 

       3. Election Day must be made a holiday for all -- or held on a weekend so more people vote. 

       4. All citizens, regardless of any run-ins with the criminal "justice" system, must have the right to vote. (In swing states like Florida and Virginia, 30-40% of all Black men are prohibited by law from voting.)

 7. Convince President Obama to immediately do what he should have done a year ago: Send in the Army Corps of Engineers to Flint to dig up and replace all the poisoned pipes. NOTHING HAS CHANGED; the water in Flint is still unusable. Will try to get these done by sundown. More To-Do tomorrow... "

                                                                             -  Michael Moore @MMFlint

#NotMyPresident #NotOurPresident