IUCN Forest Programme

Forests stabilise the climate, support biodiversity and sustain communities, supplying goods and services that can drive sustainable growth

IUCN works to build sustainable landscapes, protect primary forests, advance the rights of forest communities and engage donors from the private sector and multilateral agencies.

360˚ Approach

As an intergovernmental organisation with hundreds of state and non-state members, IUCN offers forest and land-use solutions from the concept stage through to knowledge and data generation, and from policy and decision making at all levels to results on the ground. 

IUCN helps countries implement effective forest and land-use policies, achieve national priorities and meet international commitments on climate change, biodiversity and land degradation. 

And with forest hubs spread throughout the world, working in over 50 countries, IUCN supports long-term transformative change.


(1)  Forest landscape restoration (FLR) towards reversing global trends in forest, land and soil degradation

(2)  Locally controlled forests 

(3)  Slowing the rate of deforestation through safeguarding the values and attributes of the world's primary forests (biodiversity hotspots) and strategies that optimise their maintenance

knowledge uptake, policy influence, inclusive governance, technical transfer

(1)  Forest landscape restoration

Facilitating the restoration of an agreed optimal balance of ecological, social, climatic and economic benefits from forests, trees and other woody plants within a broader pattern of land uses through an active process that brings people together to identify, negotiate and implement restoration activities. 

Restoring "forward” to meet current and future uses

Thinking long-term over large areas 

Learning and adapting over time 

Restoring functionality and productivity, not ”original” forest 

Balancing local needs with national and global priorities 

Using a package of diverse restoration strategies

Enabling FLR 


ROAM has been CONDUCTED OR PLAnNED in dozens of jurisDictions from Indonesia to Brazil

•Helps identify & prioritise FLR opportunities at national & sub-national levels

•Brings people together to negotiate & implement FLR

•Generates data & analysis to support decision-making

•Demand-driven, ownership, develops in-country capacity

The Bonn Challenge Sets the global restoration Agenda

160.2 million hectares already committed by 47 governments and organisations

(2)  Locally controlled forests:
Landscape governance and rights                                      

Forest-dependent community groups, families, smallholders and indigenous peoples have the right to make land use decisions, to sustainably utilise and manage forests and trees with access to well governed value-chains, markets and technology.

Landscape governance and rights

(3)  Slowing the rate of deforestation

Supporting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, the conservation of forest carbon stocks, and the sustainable management of all types of forests within a broader land-use context.

IUCN partners with governments, international donors, NGOs, universities, companies and others to achieve forest conservation and livelihoods goals. 

IUCN and partners formed the Global Mangrove Alliance aimed at increasing global mangrove coverage by 20% by 2030.

IUCN and Yale University's Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative developed an online training course for restoration practitioners, reaching 125 individuals in 30 countries.

Through participatory radio programmes and mobile applications, IUCN provided communities (especially women) in Uganda and Malawi with information and a discussion forum to talk about restoration, increasing the uptake and success of restoration activities. 

IUCN and the Natural Capital Project developed a software application, ROOT, enabling users to optimise restoration opportunities.

A value-for-money calculation of IUCN’s contribution to FLR policy in Guatemala estimated a US$ 56 return over a 35-year period for every dollar invested.

IUCN is advancing FLR in Viet Nam, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi, Burundi, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. These countries have or are completing their ROAM assessments, and will begin implementing FLR on the ground.

IUCN will begin FLR capacity building, particularly on policy and monitoring, in ten countries in Asia and Africa, under The Restoration Initiative funded by the GEF.

More pledges to the Bonn Challenge are expected at regional events in Guatemala, Sri Lanka and Republic of Congo in 2018, and implementation will continue to be tracked with the Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress.

IUCN is stabilizing land use by working with four African countries to improve local forest governance in relation to protected areas. 

UNFCCC Nationally Determined Contributions are at the forefront of national restoration policies, and IUCN is a thought leader in this domain.

 food security issues, biodiversity and FLR, restoration economics and finance, supporting forest farmers and so much more...

Craig Beatty / IUCN

For more on all of our work visit: iucn.org/forests

Then Visit our FLR Hub at: infoFLR.org