Taking on Inequalities

Why now and where to start

The University of Manchester's Global Development Institute brought together The Guardian, World Bank and Oxfam for a panel discussion to take questions and share academic research, policy and campaigning perspectives on how and where we start to tackle Global Inequalities - one of the University's five research beacons.

The discussion was chaired by Anna Leach, Deputy Editor of The Guardian's Global Development Professionals Network and an alumna of The University of Manchester.

The panel featured:

Carolina Sanchez- Senior Director of the Poverty and Equity Global Practice (GP) at World Bank

Dr Rory Horner- Researcher, Global Development Institute (GDI), The University of Manchester

Rebecca Gowland- Head of Campaigning, Oxfam UK

Rebecca Gowland (left) from Oxfam with Anna Leach (right), Deputy Editor for the Guardian Global Development Professionals Network

Dr Rory Horner from our Global Development Institute represented The University of Manchester during the event. You can read a related working paper by Dr Rory Horner and Professor David Hulme here on  work on inequalities by clicking here 

Dr Rory Horner of the Global Development Institute (left) with Carolina Sanchez of the World Bank (right)

The event attracted 250 attendees from academia, NGOs and policy backgrounds. Around 10,000 people viewed the event on Facebook Live and you can find this Facebook Live recording here: 

Questions were taken from the audience in the auditorium and on Twitter on #TOI17 

The below videos were also screened at the event...

Thank you to everyone who participated in this event. Please watch the event in full on YouTube here

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