Strategic Funding Group

June 2017

In June 2017 one of our members kindly hosted us at her home to provide funding to three organisations who have previously pitched at TFN London

CleanConscience raised over £19,000 to fund their core staff members - the Project Director and the Logistics Manager

They're able to pay pro rata salaries now as well as having employed a Unit Manager

They've since received a local authority grant of £20,000 and are being supported by a TFN member's foundation

CleanConscience are increasing the number of hotels they work with and are recycling their plastic waste through TerraCycle and Garnier's recycling programme

Betknowmore received over £10,000 to develop an additional pathway of support. They have embedded a service for 'affected others' within two of their projects in Islington, asking clients to refer people within their support network who they think would benefit from Betknowmore's services

Since August 2017 they have provided one-to-one support to 'affected others', counselling from their team, a drop-in service and workshops delivered with partner organisations around gambling-related harm

12 'affected others' have been supported so far. All have been given tailored support plans and have reported benefits to their mental health and safeguards around gambling

Shivia raised over £28,000 to pilot a project to enable farmers to become self sustainable in the future 

Shivia formed 530 of their farmers into 59, distributing 3,245 poultry toolkits. By training these groups of women, they were able to reach more people and distribute more toolkits, saving Shivia £3,827

Shivia says that the pilot has been instrumental in the transition from an individual to a group distribution model and they are working towards involving their 10,000 farmers in this new model. The farmers are excited to by the prospect of being able to continue their enterprises without Shivia's intervention

Thanks for being a part of raising over £57,000, allowing three of our funded organisations to make transformational changes to the way they work!