Invest in success

The case for more Indigenous rangers
in the Federal Budget

We're calling on the Prime Minister to make a commitment in the 2016 Federal Budget to double Indigenous ranger jobs by 2020... for the following reasons:

Australia's environment needs protecting

Protecting threatened species, controlling feral animals and invasive weeds, cleaning up pollution, maintaining tourism sites, promoting biosecurity across huge landscapes, and managing fire for biodiversity, greenhouse pollution reduction and safety.

Cultural continuity

"My grandfather, Bardayal 'Lofty' Nadjamerrek AO, taught all us young people about caring for country and the right ceremonial practices that are an essential part of managing land." - Warddeken ranger

Work skills

"You can come here unskilled and they've cut and polished you by the time you've finished—it opens so many doors." - Banbai ranger

Education & leadership

"Every single kid in my class wants to be a ranger." - Central Desert teacher

Jobs where they're needed most

"It's really important to remember we have active and dynamic people out bush and people are looking for opportunities... It’s that simple and we need more of it." - Mithaka elder

Mental and physical health

"Stops you from feeling depressed because you are not doing nothing, stops stress, everything." - Raukkan ranger

Motivated people, healthy communities 

Ranger jobs create positive work that people are proud to do. In one group of communities a study found Indigenous ranger work was responsible for 15 000 less nights in jail, reduced alcohol related problems, and a saving of $7.9m to the State Government over five years.

A foundation on which to build

Ranger programs provide a foundation for business opportunities in Indigenous communities. In 2013–14, 65 per cent of groups funded by the federal government undertook commercial activities to generate additional revenue and jobs, including carbon abatement and fee for service contracts.

"We could triple the number of rangers we have tomorrow, and still not have enough people for the work that needs to be done"
- Central Australia ranger coordinator

Please sign the petition calling on the Government to invest in more Indigenous ranger jobs at